WoG project is still active, several team members are working with code sources. Some time ago WoG team and NTG team united their forces, so the newly CoreWoG team was formed, which is now developing WoG 3.59.

New Creature Banks (with new properties) and dwellings are added too.With ERM, dynamic automated map changing is possible, not only as decoration like spreading and dying of fire but also as essence like objects placing and removing, wandering monsters and so on.They give you an incremental bonus to primary skills as long as you keep them as a stack in your army. There are more than 20 new monsters and new special creatures called God's Representatives.When one is completely broken, you can rebuild it from emptiness after a short wait, changing or preserving its type. In the Wake of Gods brings a lot of changes to the game that are different from those in Shadow of Death : 3.58f), this full WoG package already includes all of them.
When you download it, you DO NOT need to install all previous patches (3.51.

The full WoG package currently has a version of 3.58f. You must have Heroes III Shadow of Death installed prior to installing the expansion. Heroes of Might and Magic III: In the Wake of Gods (WoG) is an unofficial expansion pack to the Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death game.