The truth is, crafting a single phrase that captures the heart of your business takes some deep thought, a bit of brainstorming and careful strategy. Writing a mission statement may seem like a simple task…that is, until you sit down to actually do it. Ultimately, a mission statement helps any company - including a private healthcare practice like yours - define their own journey….and shows current and potential staff and patients alike what to expect. Captivates potential clients and customers by presenting a clear benefit.Unites all team members under an umbrella of purpose.Keeps your company aligned with its core values.But a mission statement is about more than bragging rights it also: These simple, clear and powerful phrases let the reader immediately know what the company is about, and where they’re going. For example, Google’s mission statement is “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Tesla’s mission statement is “To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.” And Uber’s mission statement is “We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion.” Your mission statement is a formal declaration of why you started your company, and what you value. Now, it’s time to clarify that reason and condense your values, purpose and passion into one cohesive mission statement.

In any case, you started your practice for a reason. Or perhaps you’ve committed your work to helping injured athletes get back on the field or the court. Maybe you’re providing counseling and hope for families in crisis. Perhaps you want to empower patients to develop sustainable eating habits.

Whether you’ve officially written and promoted one or not, your practice has a mission.